Personal Reasoning for the Writing of Hour of Change

My, this thing has walked a long way. What started out as a simple altercation has transformed into the first installment of the chronicles of a she-demon who kills Yahweh. At first, the idea of eliminating the only accepted god for most of society was too strong for me. Maybe it was because I myself was dealing with the decision to step out from under Yahweh’s name and all the powers which it can produce. But I have been religiously single, no longer married to Yahweh, for about six months, and that means there’s a little distance between me and my final decision to leave. I am not sitting in as much heartbreak around the separation.

With distance has come clarity; I can begin the process of bringing art to life. The subject of leaving one who has been with you (good times/bad times) for your entire life in so many ways and directions is emotionally a personal one. I know that I am pushing the envelopes of traditional themes when I put a true name to the artistic slab of marble named God. I find myself backing down when people try to tell me who it is that I’m writing about. This is why learning structure and grammar are very important for my intention of delivery. Though many say they want art to imitate life, it is the life that they live which they want to be creatively displayed for the entire world. Freedom of speech, like all other freedoms, is not free. I’m paying a cost to stand up and say that I believe that we not only can live without Yahweh as our God, but Yahweh needs to die for all the crimes against humanity Yahweh has committed.

This is what Hour of Change is about. This is the first in the telling of how Yahweh was murdered and the Maverick religion (which has been trying to take off since the days before Jesus, who also tried teaching the Maverick religion) was able to finally grow branches on the trunk of the Tree of Life. Those who know me, already know that I plan on presenting the case for Maverick religion in detail much later. Until then I will show how we can kill this God.

For now, the theme is: Hell Yeah, Yahweh Needs to Go. To be fair, I have not set this up as a three hundred page strawman; instead, I have given many arguments for staying under Yahweh. I am quite aware that some people need to remain under Yahweh during their final days the way Yahweh will need them during his closing ones. As I said in the beginning, I have had to consider strong reasoning for staying in order to make my decision to leave valid in my eyes. With said validity. I am able to stand on what others call Spirituality and I call Maverick religion.

The question of Hour of Change is not then, will Mow defeat Yahweh? I have just spent four hundred words telling you that eventually, she will. The question is, why does Mow want Yahweh dead so badly? She craves his death and whenever there is an objection to this desire (which is not her conflict, I’ll talk about conflict later) she shut it down immediately. It is only after she fails that first couple of times that she decides that maybe she needs to listen to the genius of others in order to accomplish her goal and motivation.

At first, I was going to tell this in First-Person Limited but that changed; I really want people to see the entire picture of leaving Yahweh. I want people to think to themselves on points that I present in this fantasy novel. My focus as a writer is to write the best story by remaining within guidelines; to follow the readers’ expectations as far as a sound structure and format are concerned. I want the basics to be covered, including trust in me as a storyteller and wordsmith, and then with the second installment, I will focus on my craft as a novelist. So, this is my way of saying, don’t expect great prose and narration; those things will come as I establish my brand. Right now I want to plant the seeds for being the individual who brings the R.P.F. Factor to the Kill Shot Agenda with the most simpleton simplicity in order to balance a duality society. Then and only then can Maverick religion thrive.

Thanks for Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle
Crow Crew

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Hour of Change & Its Theme

When I first sat down and decided that I would have a she-demon from Saturn as my protagonist, my son declared that I was reaching. “No one will be able to connect with a demon protagonist, mom.” He said. But the more I’m working on Hour of Change, the more I see that Mow’s want of being an autonomous goddess, living her assigned divine purpose as handed to her by the great Unnamed and Unlimited, is allowing me to think people will be cheering her on- she-demon or not.

I believe that’s what we all need if not want. To no longer be under the watchful eye of a god who is more vengeful and spiteful than the angriest and most violent human. We needed a war god at one point, but we’re trying to ascend to a different consciousness and that means the god of yesterday will have to be released. Problems can not be solved at the same frequency they are created.

Those who have known of the real Yahweh, they will state that he is the god of war. His campaigns are written in at least the Bible. His commands are ruthless; more ruthless than the Roman Empire during the height of its sprawling throughout the known world during Ancient times or more ruthless than the American slave owners of recent memory. Yahweh did not and does not care about the tears and human fragility. You will do what Yahweh instructs or you die. Hell, Hell was even invented to maintain the order of Yahweh.

Is there any wonder why people are tossing the spiritual baby out with the religious bathwater? I never claimed Hour of Change to be a religious treaty stating reasoning for leaving Yahweh’s side. What I have stated is that this is a mythology, a fantasy; both of which have more wiggle room than any religious text explaining the disconnection between Yahweh and the people. If one takes the time to read the entire story of how Mow Yen began her campaign against El Yahweh, one will see that they have much in common with the she-demon.

Mow is trying to figure out who is this individual who she has vowed loyalty to during the 31,000 years of her life. What has she done in his name? How much blood has been spilled by her hand? How little he shares about himself and why is it that he keeps her in confusion and darkness? These are some of the same questions that some of the “real” followers of Jehovah/Yahweh are asking of the priests, pastors, and each other.

There is no denying that some of the people who vow allegiance to Jehovah/Yahweh are not the most loving and history has proved they aren’t always the most tolerant.

Like Mow, many people are leaving the temples of Jehovah/Yahweh and starting to seek answers and relationship with the Unnamed and Unlimited. That which cannot be identified other than by its fruits.

Unlike Mow, our decent from the temples of Jehovah/Yahweh aren’t so direct. Mow is informed that she is the one who is to kill and replace El Yahweh on the order of the Unnamed and Unlimited one. She has a team to assist her (or she will) and she is clear that she will fulfill the prophecy; not because she has too, but because she wants too, badly. Her motivation is the promise of being the custodial god of the entire Milky Way- Mow wants to “run the world.” Which if we as individuals stay in our own lane then we will become the god of our universe working directly with the unnamed and unlimited; for we too want to rule the world. Everyone wants to be a chief no one wants to be an Indian.

The theme of Man v God has been done so often that it has a position among the only five themes that books, short stories, and verbal tales have. This is why when my son told me that no one would connect with Mow, I kept going. I respect my son’s opinion, he’s an up and coming storyteller in his own right meaning I expect big things out of him. With that said, I respect my gut and the tried and true expression of sizing up with a god a lot more. I don’t care if I have to break Mow characterization down a million and one times, I stand by the fact that Mow is a representation of the driving force behind the exodus of the followers of Jehovah/Yahweh. The church is dying and more people are dropping their swords (holy texts) and going in search of peace (spirituality).

Will the church return to its glory days? I don’t know; if you go by my writings- no. But I left the church a long time ago.

Thanks for Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle

Crow Crew</

P.S. I have a Patron Account/Page now! You can find me under my name Sabrina Louise Andielle. Hopefully I'll see you there soon.

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Who is Young MowYen?

It is my belief, every author has a favorite character or two; sometimes three, if the author can get away with it. For me in this installment of The Mow Yen Chronicles, Young Mow Yen is my favorite. She is spicy and witty and her refusal to back down causes her body to be destroyed. She is Mow Yen but the eight-year old version. She is an intricate part of the story and damn near inseparable part of the plot.

We first meet Young Mow in an intensive and unique situation. She is in her imagined and controlled part of Welnikov, a canyon that is thrice America’s Grand Canyon. She starts with drama and ends with drama, pulling Mow Yen in deeper and deeper the entire time. But what does she represent in this mythology? Well her personal message: we shouldn’t attempt to live without balancing the feelings of the inner child with the adult and adolescent selves. The inner child is the one who normally leads as the adult is too cautious and the adolescent too self-absorbed. When the inner child isn’t provided and protected there is disharmony in the essence of the Self.

Young Mow is no different, just visible and audible to everyone. She knows Welnikov because she was sentenced to it when Po Li was exiled to the watery planet. Young Mow’s dialogue is so rapid. She is quick in her responses to Mow; and anyone else who wishes to attempt cornering her. Yet she is a character in a story about Man v. God and therefore she needed to be over the top in her antics. She is nearly killed before she actually dies and when she returns to the battlefield she is still bloody. As Mow takes refuge moments before Young Mow loses her body, Young Mow is standing there boldly in the line of fire.

But it is more than Young Mow actions and conversation of characterization which makes this little dynamite my favorite. Young Mow sticks with Mow even . . . well, you have to read all the situations that this inner child is put in because of Mow. Young Mow is a survivor like most urchins. She knows the Ary Shack inside and out. Not an easy feat, considering Ary is the stronghold of the entire planet Earth and therefore the Milky Way. She is a keeper; not implying that she should be allowed to stick around, but she keeps secrets about the entire planet since like most orphaned little ones she has traveled wide and far, witnessing all kinds of trouble. She is the one who must lead Mow in the task of gathering the fifteen Elohim, after the Hour of Change and starting with Aquarius Beginning.

The weight on this child’s shoulders is heavy. A burden that only a she-demon child from the Third Ring of Saturn can handle. There are hints to her powers, which have never been bind, unlike Mow’s who El Yahweh tied up as a safety step. She even accomplishes a task that was given to her over 25,000 years ago. Dependable, intelligent, and combative she is an amazing addition to this cast. I’m so looking forward to you meeting her and her childish yet mature antics.

Thanks for Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle

Crow Crew

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Why is Welnikov Watery?

Sitting down beginning the Conception Stage of Hour of Change, the first word that came to me was Welnikov. I didn’t know if this noun would become the name of a character, setting, or magical item; I just knew that it was to be used. I felt it in my writer’s gut. After much internal debate, and breaking the word down, I came to the conclusion that this would be a well-like structure. The one thing that wells have, living ones, thriving ones, is water. So this was a place with water. Oh, that was too good! So good that I said forget one setting within the setting- it would be the setting. Later, once the story came, I understood why it was water that I associated the name with. Water is representative of consciousness and it first takes overpowering one consciousness before overpowering one god.

The theme of HoC is Man (she-demon) v. God (custodian) and Mow goes through a lot before she gets to the point that she can confront El Yahweh, her army to his. The first thing we see upon Mow’s arrival at Welnikov is her fear of water. Who isn’t initially frighten of their awareness, when changing their individual relationship with their god? Mow has drowned during previous lifelines and she almost drowns as Queen Elizabeth IX, this is how powerful this she-demon is. Mow doesn’t let on right away to Slone or the reader why she is afraid of water, but she does let it be known that she’s not thrilled with the stuff. Exiled, she can do nothing about the location she’s been sent to. Therefore, she deals with it and enters Welnikov just as she begins dealing with the fact that El Yahweh wants her dead.

To get to dry land, Mow must enter the inners of the planet and that means traveling the watery veins of Welnikov. To get to higher mental grounds when confronting the god (whether spiritual, emotional, or physical) in one life, the inner tunnels of the mind must be explored and claimed then the confidence to independently stand will manifest. There is no short cut to this truth. Must go within in order to change, or challenge, without.

Another powerful symbol is the enchanted moat surrounding Ary Shack. This thing is huge! One would think that it would provide protection to the stronghold Ary, instead, it is just a large body of water that surround. Another way of explaining how when it comes to getting to the stronghold of the mind one only has to jump into the consciousness which surrounds it. Of course, when the shack is overtaken, the moat waters represent the temperament of Ary’s new residents. With chunks of ice floating in the moat, Mow knows that Zeus and Hecate have finally overpowered the shack. It isn’t coincident that this is also the period when Mow is at an intellectual and emotional low which is about to become lower. The consciousness becomes almost breakable when we are at those types of lows.

One last example of this water and consciousness connection. While Mow is attempting to shut the angelic portal, El Yahweh attempts to drown her. It is the first time that El Yahweh actually attempts to kill Mow himself, but it makes sense that he would strike first when she is in an element (situation) that frightens her. Whenever we are facing off with our god the first battleground between you and it is the consciousness, for it is the home to the Spirit. And if you can survive a beating while in your true essence then with time you will overpower, compromise, or submit at your choice. Remember, Jesus said: find, dismay, overcome, rulership.

These are some of the reasoning behind Welnikov being a water planet. It’s all about the mind and Welnikov is one big density of Earth’s fallen/forgotten Elohim, former keepers of the collective mind. Without her knowing it, the fight was brought to an equal battlefield. A blessing Mow won’t be able to acknowledge until later in the series.

Thanks for Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle

Crow Crew

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Filed under Fantasy manuscript, Sabrina Louise Andielle, Storyteller's Journey, The Chronicles of Mow Yen, Uncategorized, Writing

Selecting Greek and Latin Word Combos.

I have never taken a Latin or Greek language class in my life. I don’t even know if the words I selected and combined mean what I intended, even though they are easy on the ears and eyes. I mean other than the name of the main setting planet, Welnikov, and all of the characters’ name, I have selected a Latin or Greek combination of words for minor settings. There is NaoGarrie; this is the location of Hecate’s home. Ary Shack; the center piece on the stage. And even the Pentahydra Highway; an inner planetary highway system which leads to the dry areas in Welnikov. The list goes on (which is included in this post,)but my reasoning doesn’t.

I will not sit here and pretend that I have a love for the Grecianizing or Latinizing of non-Latin or non-Greek words. But I will say, plainly put, I wanted to try something that was familiar yet personally difficult. Most of us have so become comfortable with Grecianizing or Latinizing words that when we speak of nouns which have underwent the knife, we don’t know they have unless we do a little research. Well, considering the theme and message of Hour of Change,
I wanted to give a heads up regarding the names I selected.

I wish that there was more to it. But consideration for my reader and an attempt at flexing some linguistic muscle were my only motivation. Now the second installment, which is currently in the conception stage will linguistically lean heavy on the Chinese language and some of their mythology. So, I will have to shift mental gears when I get deeper in development.

But that is something that will not be solidified for another year to sixteen months, so, I can still play with the words I put together. To share with you some of my creativity now, here are the Grecianized and Latinized words I created for Hour of Change.

Paleolympho: Home of the dead. PALEO (Ancient) OLYMPHO (Home of Greek gods)
Nigelmin: Underworld of Welnikov. NIGEL (dark) MIN (short for Minimum)
Porthe Hole: Location of the Collective Energetic Source. POR (Small opening)
NaoGarrie: Home of Hecate. NAO (Temple) GARRIE (all Sabrina’s imagination)
Melano Angelus: Home of the Lunar Angels. MELNA-O (Black) ANGELUS (angels)
Ary Shack: Permanent stronghold location of Gaia’s Core and current location of the Milky Way. ARY (a place where something is kept)
Pentahydra Highway: Inner watery road with many connecting veins, located through the five continents of Welnikov. PENTA (five) & Hydra (water)

These are all settings within Hour of Change. Took me a while to narrow my word selection down, but I think I did a pretty good job.

Thanks For Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle
Crow Crew

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Reintroduction of Sabrina Louise Andielle & This Here Blog.

There is so much I wish to share with you. I believe that we all have Power (clarity, choice, confidence) and that with Power comes Freedom (ability to evolve without outside influence.) I believe that Jesus brought the smack down on Supernatural forces which wanted to keep the thought beings of Spa Planet: Earth disempowered and slaved. It is my wish to continue his work with my mythologies and fantasies.

The recently completed 94,000 words mythological project is, The Chronicles of Mow Yen: Hour of Change. This is will be one of the two projects I will focus on immediately. The manuscript for Hour of Change is written and going through final editing, but things are final enough and I know enough that I can begin sharing the Behind the Scenes thoughts and reasoning for this project. Hour of Change pits a she-demon from Saturn, Mow Yen, against her adopted father who happens to be the custodian god of the Milky Way, El Yahweh. I also will be presenting explanations for my currently published short story Again: From Gatekeeper to Planet Earth. You can got to and purchase it (only cost .99 cents) to follow along if you like.

If I get around to it, as I’m learning how to be a prolific writer, I will discuss The Tapestry Chronicles: Born with Power of the Divine; currently out of print in American, but I believe that it can be downloaded from some book websites. Born with Power of the Divine is my first published novel. Not a mythology, but a fantasy; with time I will rewrite and complete it as it was supposed to be the first in The Tapestry Chronicles series.

I will not discuss ideas or works still in development or creation. I’ve learned from actually engaging in the creation process that things are always on shifting sand to the very end. I will not discuss the process of being a professional mythologist and writer of fiction. I’m still in the infant stages of my career to do such a thing. I will not vent or argue. Once I’ve gotten to the point that I am sharing my reasoning or giving an explanation on this blog, I’m pretty set in my creation.

Thanks for Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle
Crow Crew

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Mow and the Monkey God . . . Why She Had to Go.

There are many things on the To Do List of the Champion of Gaia, Mow Yen. The most pressing being, befriending the different Gods and Goddesses of the lesser Earth dimension: 3.51. There in the 3.51 dimension, everyone is working to shift the Source-Consciousness to make it the Alpha Dimension but not all are standing in integrity.

The one God that Mow most want to meet is the Monkey God, Sun Wukong. This is the God of legend and she knows his legacy is the ability to follow one’s dreams by accepting life’s challenges and giving them something to fear. In his younger days, he was the Demon Monkey King that had to be tricked by the Buddha in order to gain stillness. This imposed stillness enabled him to begin his journey of the self by accepting the offer of the Goddess of Mercy. Her offer? Join an early tradition party which would proceed on a journey to the West for some Buddhist Scriptures.

Hundreds of thousands of centuries have passed since the party went its separate ways and Wukong ended up in the 3.51 dimension. In that time, he has matured into a wise Bodhisattva that is working with Gaia- even if his instincts are telling him that maybe it would be best if they worked apart. Without going into details (that’s what’s Dinner with the Monkey God will expose) Wukong has agreed to meet Mow if she comes to his home on the floating mountain, Sophia.

Receiving the invitation, Mow knows that she must go. Things aren’t rosy with Gaia. Dealings with the ruling deities are less than promising and Gaia has Mow on a short leash. The only good thing going in Mow’s life is her marriage to the Demon Lord, Donnie.

Mow know that Wukong knows what it is like to be in a position where a master is less than becoming to the ideas and behaviors of a student. Creating an inch to visit and befriend the Monkey God.

Mow left the 3rd dimension to come to the 3.51 and before she regrets and pleas a case for her death, she wants to talk with someone whose walked in her shoes. Her husband knows that she must do this alone and is praying that she finds whatever she needs to remain by his side, fighting for the elimination of poverty and excess; of individual ownership of land; and of the old consciousness on the many dimensions of Earth by bringing God-consciousness to them all. The very things she convinced him- and his horde -to strive for.

Nobody wants her to go but no one seems to understand her frustrations. The Money God does and maybe he can mentor her so that she can gain peace with Gaia and her duties, because as Gaia stated when Mow was Agape, “If you weren’t the one, you wouldn’t have made your way to my front door.”

That’s why Mow must go see the Monkey God. May peace be with you.

Thanks for Listening!
Sabrina Louise Andielle

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Spiritual Testimony of the Soul

There has been a personal awakening that has spilled over into my current WIP.

If I hadn’t mentioned it I’m halfway finished with the first draft of Lady Agape & The New Dimension. I completed 90% of that while on my working vacation. There were no distractions. When I returned home I had to go back and read what I had written since I was not able to stick to my outline and the few days off from writing broke momentum. Now I’m back at it, the summarization of what’s been written will be due Friday and I pick up where I left off on Saturday.

There will be a different me when I return to this project though since like most productive vacations, my mind has been rejuvenated and I have a new respect and love for what I do. I’d realize that being a fiction/fantasy writer, creating new worlds and new people, is hard a long time ago. I’ve always known that being a storyteller require stories from one’s experience, what one is taught by an elder, mentor, or book, or what one has bared witness to. But what I didn’t know or hadn’t realized is I am both. It may appear that I create people and events but I don’t I remember these things, I don’t pull them out of the air. They’re not original materials being downloaded as I initially believed. They’re memories; which is why I, like other storytellers, must live, learn, or bear witness to the things which I write. I share all that I’m able to remember in written form, not because I like to but because I need to hence the title Storytelling-Writer.

These are tales of how to live a spiritual existence while having this human experience. These are tales of my past as well as the past of others that may or may not walk the Earth. Because what I write is spiritual fiction, it’s not for everyone. And as much as I wish that I could entertain everyone, I know that only those who are ready to catch a spiritual catnap will share in my enjoyment.

Like anything that is divine, I’m starting out with an easy one- going within in order to change without. With time, I’m going to be trusted with more in depth memories which will allow me to tell stories that really heal on the scale that I wish to. Not that Lady Agape doesn’t heal, how could it not when the subject is about a young woman being transported to a new dimension which happens to be within her mind?

You may ask, how do I know that this is something that is coming from the memories of my soul? I know because I know my life and what I’ve learned and from who as well as knowing what I’m capable of creating. This isn’t coming through me it’s coming to me. There’s not much more I can say other than trust me. With my surrendering to the fact that I’m an Elder Soul who is here to learn about true, loving, unconditional relationships and how to help others, I will be able to manifest written stories unique to anything that has come before. I promise. Your trust will not be in vain.

Until the next spiritual and professional motion is submitted.

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Some Thoughts Behind Lady Agape

I’ve come to realize that the installment The New Dimension is nothing like the original idea I was struck with seven months ago. Well, almost nothing like it. I still have a young prince that has won control of his empire but he has a twin sister and she’s the antagonist. Whereas I was going to make the prince, Connor Stone, the protagonist, I decided that I would go with another outside voice. One who had skin in the game but was older and more prepared than Connor or his sister. That is where Lady Agape comes in. But because Agape didn’t want to fit in with Connor or his sister, Nancy, I made Agape a member of the APPL (Astral Projection Protection League) but even that needed time and space to grow in order for it to be done right. Then I added the fact that Agape’s advising and protecting Connor wouldn’t add much resistance or conflict to the story so I made her be from earth and made it where she can only be seen by those with eyes to see or those on the Astral Plane. The story question changed from what if a young prince gained control of a global empire to how did a high-school teacher become one of the greatest agents of the APPL and more?

This turned my singular idea, my stand alone story, into a series. Lady Agape.

With most books having complex storylines, morals, and themes, I had to come up with something for Agape. I thought about her and I realized that as a black woman in American during the year 2019, Agape hasn’t had the chance to realize her true qualities of compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, leadership, thoughtfulness, and warrior kick-butt attitude. These qualities are pushed to the side by her job as a high-school religion teacher instead of her dream as a college professor of the subject. At least they are until she enters the Astral Plane- the plane of emotions- and she has to save Connor, who is one of many fragments of consciousness known as Agape, who lives in a different dimension than Earth. Putting Connor against Nancy and telling Agape that both these people are you now you have to figure out how to save Connor from Nancy, allow death to come to one part of you in order to save the whole.

The issues I deal with are schizophrenia, incest, love of power, and divine purpose. I tackle some questions about those issues and present a new way for women to exist in the world or at least I support this new way of the female warrior.

I just wanted to share a little of what I’ve been working on and give you the reasoning behind the choices I made in designing Lady Agape & The New Dimension. I know that it’s not much and you still don’t have the whole story but I will continue to share my thinking behind my writing so the answers will come.

-Thanks for Listening

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Plot Outline: Project 2017-2018- Revision of the storyline

As a creative soul, I’m being tested. I want to write something set in the year 1952. Nothing much happened during that year. We, America, was the power force to beat with our military and economics. We didn’t have to rebuild after the war and our great internal and/or covert threat was the whisper of the word communism. The American Dream was born with the invention of credit, bank loans, and quick, swift completion of tasks. We were beginning the path which now has us tackling debt, looking at war, and lacking the basic morals and common sense that we once had.

So why do I want to write about 1952? Why the 1950s period? I tell you . . . the calm of the 50s is calling out to me- I want to upset it. But there is so much that I must overcome as a writer of fiction/fantasy. First, I love the idea of having modern warriors and the 1950s had not defined itself as the face of today’s fighter by 1952 yet, it had outgrown the innocent hand-to-hand combat. So, I need to create. I also must deal with the reality of a lack of diversity of in the 1950s, since I want to include all kinds of things like an international boarding school for boys. That’s just two ideas that I need to toss. I want a powerful woman like Rowling’s main girl, but most women of the 1950s were in the house using the new quick appliances that were fresh on the market.

Is there anything to tell that will make good fiction? I believe that it’s like being in the fool position. At this point, there are no rules and everything is dependent on my actions. Therefore, I will put to heart the seven (or nine depending on who you ask) plotlines of a story and build me something from scratch. I will keep what I have, just adjust characters’ goals so that things are plausible. I will think what could have happened during this cooling down period in America’s history. I know that all stories need a lull and the 50s were one of young lady America’s.

The 18-year-old prince should be 20 or 21 and he must be running away from the tranquility of the 50s and be looking for adventure. Have him be ahead of his time. Place him in the Navy with the desire to be one of the special forces that helped to make the Navy SEALS. Then just as he is about to get a spot have his family murdered. Of course, I will keep him as royalty but make him the ninth child. Nine is a lucky number and the only one that survived is his sister Nancy. Yes, Nancy is in on the assassinations and had plans of taking the throne herself. Nancy and Ret. Fleet Admiral of the navy, the older, married man that Nancy is having an affair with, was hoping that the Main Character would have died while on an assignment. But he is in all sense of the word special forces.

The main Character calls on a friend that is stationed in another country (India/Hindi) and this friend, also a prince tells the main character to come to his small mahal. There the two begin to piece the facts together, or do they? They end up engaging the Prime Minister, Mimiya, who is working her (yes HER!) angle. This woman wants to have the monarchy to herself so that she can turn it into a republic; with her at the emperor. Mimiya is working Nancy, older woman who has been where the young woman is, angle. Together they send for the main character and tell him that he’s needed back home. Amit decides to travel with his friend and when they arrive there is the threat of war.

The MC must deal with a military uprising by the natives of one of the few remaining colonies/commonwealths that the Empire that the MC is now King of. The soldiers that were there were brutally murdered, men, women, and child, all of them natives of the Empire. The natives of the colony want their freedom and they are now in the 50s ready to fight for it. I may have a nonviolent character in there but I don’t know. This uprising takes place in a South African like place.

Recap: MC, Amit, Nancy, Ret. Fleet General, Prime Minister, military leader (warlord). That’s who we got so far. Then Amit’s homeland is attacked- civil war. Another Raaja (King in Hindi) has attacked the Raanee (Queen in Hindi) Andielle. Andielle is Amit’s grandmother and not only is she requiring that Amit return home but she wants the MC to send troops and weapons. The MC makes the decision to join in Andielle’s war and while he has troops there he also must send troop to deal with the military warlord, Hedeon. MC sends troops to deal with Hedeon and re-establish the Empire.

Now that is outside dealings. The MC is still trying to figure out who murdered his whole family. He decides to investigate on his own until he meets Nikol a Rear Admiral of a democratic country looking for allies. Nikol promises to help MC, in exchange he wants the MC empire loyalty against the Federation. The federation is a dictatorship that is attempting to push their beliefs on the rest of the world. Cadman is the Dictator and where he was engaging in conflict with Nikol and his people now Cadman sees young MC and decide to shift focus. An ending is still be worked out; all these characters are tied together by war, ambition, lust, and a little friendship. Lines are being drawn.

I want this to be character driven but if it’s not I can live with that. I’m pulling this from the air and only with the setting of the pieces will I see if I got it right.

Thanks for Listening,


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