Personal Reasoning for the Writing of Hour of Change

My, this thing has walked a long way. What started out as a simple altercation has transformed into the first installment of the chronicles of a she-demon who kills Yahweh. At first, the idea of eliminating the only accepted god for most of society was too strong for me. Maybe it was because I myself was dealing with the decision to step out from under Yahweh’s name and all the powers which it can produce. But I have been religiously single, no longer married to Yahweh, for about six months, and that means there’s a little distance between me and my final decision to leave. I am not sitting in as much heartbreak around the separation.

With distance has come clarity; I can begin the process of bringing art to life. The subject of leaving one who has been with you (good times/bad times) for your entire life in so many ways and directions is emotionally a personal one. I know that I am pushing the envelopes of traditional themes when I put a true name to the artistic slab of marble named God. I find myself backing down when people try to tell me who it is that I’m writing about. This is why learning structure and grammar are very important for my intention of delivery. Though many say they want art to imitate life, it is the life that they live which they want to be creatively displayed for the entire world. Freedom of speech, like all other freedoms, is not free. I’m paying a cost to stand up and say that I believe that we not only can live without Yahweh as our God, but Yahweh needs to die for all the crimes against humanity Yahweh has committed.

This is what Hour of Change is about. This is the first in the telling of how Yahweh was murdered and the Maverick religion (which has been trying to take off since the days before Jesus, who also tried teaching the Maverick religion) was able to finally grow branches on the trunk of the Tree of Life. Those who know me, already know that I plan on presenting the case for Maverick religion in detail much later. Until then I will show how we can kill this God.

For now, the theme is: Hell Yeah, Yahweh Needs to Go. To be fair, I have not set this up as a three hundred page strawman; instead, I have given many arguments for staying under Yahweh. I am quite aware that some people need to remain under Yahweh during their final days the way Yahweh will need them during his closing ones. As I said in the beginning, I have had to consider strong reasoning for staying in order to make my decision to leave valid in my eyes. With said validity. I am able to stand on what others call Spirituality and I call Maverick religion.

The question of Hour of Change is not then, will Mow defeat Yahweh? I have just spent four hundred words telling you that eventually, she will. The question is, why does Mow want Yahweh dead so badly? She craves his death and whenever there is an objection to this desire (which is not her conflict, I’ll talk about conflict later) she shut it down immediately. It is only after she fails that first couple of times that she decides that maybe she needs to listen to the genius of others in order to accomplish her goal and motivation.

At first, I was going to tell this in First-Person Limited but that changed; I really want people to see the entire picture of leaving Yahweh. I want people to think to themselves on points that I present in this fantasy novel. My focus as a writer is to write the best story by remaining within guidelines; to follow the readers’ expectations as far as a sound structure and format are concerned. I want the basics to be covered, including trust in me as a storyteller and wordsmith, and then with the second installment, I will focus on my craft as a novelist. So, this is my way of saying, don’t expect great prose and narration; those things will come as I establish my brand. Right now I want to plant the seeds for being the individual who brings the R.P.F. Factor to the Kill Shot Agenda with the most simpleton simplicity in order to balance a duality society. Then and only then can Maverick religion thrive.

Thanks for Listening!

Sabrina Louise Andielle
Crow Crew

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Filed under Fantasy manuscript, Fiction Manuscript, mythology, Sabrina Louise Andielle, Storyteller's Journey, The Chronicles of Mow Yen, Uncategorized, Writing

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